The corona pandemic caused interconnected economic, technological, environmental and social upheavals worldwide. These had important consequences for society as a whole, not in the least for the economy and business.
Society as well as individuals and entrepreneurs actively looked for hopeful structures and networks to meet the challenges. An economy concerned with people and the environment was more urgent than ever. Achieving a more optimal balance between economy, technology, ecology and society was central to this.
Meaningfulness is also crucial. People feel too disengaged and become alienated. This translates into rising figures of workplace burn-out, depression and suicide. There is a need for hope and an ‘Economy of Hope’.
The chair focused on the following perspectives, and others:
- Current economic, technological, environmental and social challenges for an Economy of Hope;
- Implications for a sustainable connection between economy, technology and ecology;
- and outlets in terms of hopeful meaning in economy and society.
The chair took shape in initiatives such as workshops, lecture series, conferences and (partly given corona constraints) through other forms of communication such as publications of cahiers and webinars.