This theme line explores the link between economics and ethics. After all, the human being is not a ‘homo economicus’, an isolated individual rationally pursuing his self-interest. We are social animals supported by values and social norms.
We respond to the call of the other, which we transform into altruism, sympathy, commitment and solidarity. We are social beings in need of recognition and coexistence. Greed and the will to profit are often weaker than our sense of justice.
Economics and ethics, morality and values: it is not a story of affiliation, but one of necessity. An economic logic must be embedded both socially and ethically. Under the banner of ‘a decent life for all’, UCSIA looks at economics as a moral science.
UCSIA connects ethics and economics within various topics. We always give special attention to the less privileged groups in our society: those in poverty, migrants and so forth.
We consider public action on the one hand and creative, valuable and sustainable entrepreneurship in the private sector through CSR (corporate social responsibility) and CSV (creating shared value) on the other.
How can business and socio-economic organisations contribute to a more inclusive and equitable society?
The economy is often too exclusive: the current Flemish labour market performs weakly compared to other European countries when it comes to employment of the less educated, the elderly and people with a migration background. Social innovation and inclusion are key terms.
How do we ensure a socially just and democratic climate transition?
Climate transition is necessary. Inaction affects exactly the world’s most vulnerable populations. Yet other solutions favour the world’s richer populations at the expense of the poor. North-south relations stand out strongly here. We support the search for measures that are social, democratic and ecological.
How to return the financial sector that serves society?
The ultimate goal of the sector is linked to creating a sustainable, inclusive, social economy. Financial ethics and impactful investing are core areas.
What are the challenges around work, income and family, today and in the future?
Social policy is covered in the P.W. Segers chair. Paul-Willem Segers was a leading politician and one of the figureheads of the post-war Christian labour movement in Belgium.
The Jef Van Gerwen Chair is a forum for all kinds of topics related to business ethics.
The Antwerp Jesuit Jef Van Gerwen was a professor at the University of Antwerp and a pioneer of business ethics in Flanders.