Hoopvol & ethisch leiderschap

Hopeful & Ethical Leadership

webinar (in Dutch) on 26 May 2021

In the webinar Hopeful & Ethical Leadership, The Chair of Economy of Hope & The Hope Project, the SPES Forum & UCSIA will focus on the question of whether hopeful leadership can add value to business. On 26 May, Steven van den Heuvel (ILSE), academic expert in ethical leadership, will outline the importance of a hopeful and ethical climate within an organization. In order to bridge the gap between theory and business, we invited Bart De Smet, head of Ageas, as speaker. From his extensive experience as a hopeful business leader, he testifies about how business leaders can cultivate a hopeful climate within their organization. After a student’s response, there will be room for debate. Ingrid Verduyn from WaW jobs will moderate.

Date & Time

Wednesday 26 May 2021
7.00 – 8.10 p.m. UTC+2
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Online via Zoom.
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Free entrance.
Please register online in advance.


Koningstraat 2
B-2000 Antwerpen
Tel. +32 (0)3 265 49 60