Just Transition in Food Systems

Towards a just food system

On 30 May we gathered representatives of the food sector to map out the steps towards a more effective, just, and sustainable food system. We also identified the challenges along the way. The presentations, key takeaways and photos are now online!

Taye Birhanu Taressa

Fonds Bruyns scholar Taye Birhanu Taressa

UCSIA welcomes Taye Birhanu Taressa from Ethiopia as Father Louis Bruyns Scholar. The Fund Bruyns is part of UCSIA and reaches out to scholars from the Global South. Taye is a PhD candidate in the philosophy department at Addis Ababa University. The title of his dissertation is “The Role of Oromo Indigenous Environmental Ethics in Sustainable Development”.

Maria Corder-Fernández

UCSIA Summer School:
Religion & Politics

Are you a doctoral student or postdoctoral researcher with an interest in religion and politics? This year's UCSIA summer school explores the relationship between religion, nationalism, populism, and conservatism. Take classes from international experts, present your own research, work one-on-one with tutors, and build your academic network. Apply by 15 April 2024!


Missions, Maps & Mediators

Let's rewind to a magical exploration of Latin America in the Nottebohm Room. Mirela Altic took a close look at Jesuit maps from the seventeenth century. Francismar Alex Lopes de Carvalho examined the conversion of local people in the Amazon region and found that it was not a one-way street. This was followed by a panel discussion with our two guests led by Christiane Stallaert.
Listen here...
Maria Cordero-Fernández

Meet our new ELP fellow!

UCSIA welcomes Maria Cordero-Fernández from Nicaragua as the third fellow of the European Leadership Programme. She will join the UCSIA team for the coming year. UCSIA has supported this Jesuit Social Centre (JESC) programme since 2020. Maria obtained an international master’s degree in rural development in 2021 and will focus on the topic of food security.
Read more !

Grote Vragen van Barokke Influencers

Scholarship Louis Bruyns

UCSIA finances a scholarship for a PhD student at a university in the Global South, who wants to spend a period at the University of Antwerp under the supervision of an entitled UAntwerp academic staff member. During his/her stay at UAntwerp, the student will also co-organize a public event on a topic of concern for the Global South!
Read more !

Grote Vragen van Barokke Influencers

20th anniversary UCSIA Summer School

This year UCSIA celebrates the 20th anniversary of its summer school for PhD and postdoctoral students with a research interest in religion. To mark the occasion, UCSIA organized an academic workshop to discuss contemporary issues in the study of religion. The participants included 5 alumni, 5 guest lecturers, and the 6 members of the UCSIA Summer School steering committee. The next summer school will take place in 2024.
Read more ...

Last call for the European Leadership Programme!

The ELP is a fantastic opportunity for young professionals and leaders to gain experience in politics, to be part of a community and develop professional skills to become a better leader. It includes private conversations with high level speakers and leaders and a volunteer experience in marginalised communities in Brussels. Apply before 15 September 2023!
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zomervakantie 2022

Summer Holidays at UCSIA

We are taking a break. Our office will be closed from 21 July until 15 August 2022. You do not have to miss us entirely, because you can always revisit our webinars or bury yourself in one of our latest publications. We wish you pleasant holidays and hope to see you again as from 16 August.

MYEurope debate

The students at the FUCE Summer School discussed their views on Europe and its future in the MYEurope panel debate moderated by Peter Hanenberg.
Watch the recording...

A Propos Medea

Today, the world is coming in droves to Europe’s doorstep. This puts our European culture in a different perspective. In her talk at the FUCE Summer School, Isabel Capeloa Gil rereads Euripides’ 'Medea' in a new global and multicultural light. She takes us from global Europe to post-Europe and back.
Watch the recording...

Applications for the European Leadership Programme are open!

The ELP is a fantastic opportunity for young professionals and leaders in Brussels to gain experience in politics, to be part of a community and develop professional skills to become a better leader. It includes private conversations with high level speakers and leaders and a volunteer experience in marginalised communities in Brussels. Apply before 15 September 2022, get started in October 2022

Islamic Religious Education in Europe

How do European countries organize the education of Islam? Scholars from different academic backgrounds and from different European contexts shared their insights at the conference ‘Education of Islam – Islam in Education in Europe’ in Antwerp.
Watch the keynotes...
European Solidarity and Just Finance

European Solidarity and Just Financing

call for papers for an international academic workshop in March 2023. Which place does solidarity have within the European Union? New and existing support mechanisms along with new financing instruments entail further steps in the creation of a ‘Social Europe’. It makes the question ever more pressing which place the EU actually holds in the domain of social policy. Extended submission deadline: 24 October 2022

Divin-Luc Bikubanya

Meet our ELP-Fellow Divin-Luc Bikubanya

UCSIA welcomes Divin-Luc Bikubanya who joins the team for the coming year as Fellow of the European Leadership Programme. You can meet Divin-Luc at the event organized by USOS and 11.11.11 in De Cinema in Antwerp on 4 May where he will share his insights in a panel discussion following the screening of the film ‘L’empire du silence’.

The Art of Catholic Banality in Secular France

France celebrates its laïcité (secularism), yet Catholicism continues to dominate its spatial and temporal rhythms in ways that often fade into the background as nothing more than heritage. Anthropologist Elayne Oliphant (NYU) shares her research on the topic in this theological lecture.
Watch the webinar...

Graduation ELP Fellows

The European Leadership Programme is a fellowship for master students who want to develop their leadership skills in international policy and advocacy. The programme aims to help reform the spiritual, social and political life in Europe, reorienting it towards a quest for the common good, in line with the long Jesuit tradition in forming leaders to change the world. For this sixth graduation ceremony Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich SJ presented the keynote address.
Watch the graduation...

Jewish Environmental Ethics

Ariel Mayse (Stanford University) explores how to draw upon the Jewish theological, legal, and philosophical literatures to construct an environmental ethic, one that counters the values of market individualism and extractivism with alternative narratives and theories of obligation toward the non-human world. Annemarie Mayer (Trier University) responds from a Christian perspective.
Watch the webinar...
Digital expo 'Passion: Histories of the Heart'

Call for Papers
Religion, Mobility & Economy

Explore the relations between religion, culture, politics, and economy in fresh, innovative ways! The UCSIA Summer School offers a free one-week interdisciplinary mentoring programme for doctoral students and junior postdoctoral researchers. We extended the application deadline to 25 May 2022.



New date New Year's Event

UCSIA would organize a New Year’s event in the baroque Jesuit Saint-Carolus Borromeus Church in Antwerp on 20 January. The programme: speeches and a violin concerto with baroque music by the Antwerp composer Henri-Jacques De Croes, performed by the string orchestra ‘Le Pavillon de Musique’, under the guidance of Ann Cnop. Due to the new corona measures, this event will be postponed to 23 June 2022.
Lees meer...

HDCA 2022

HDCA 2022 Call for Papers: Capabilities and Transformative Institutions

The annual conference of the Human Development and Capability Association brings together people from all over the world from different disciplines and fields interested in human development and the capabilities approach. The 2022 edition take place in Antwerp on 19-22 September. As co-host, we cordially invite submissions of proposals. In addition to papers on the conference theme, papers on all core HDCA topics are welcome. Submission deadline: 15 February 22

New Beginnings without Innocence

How we can develop theories of community-building, and practices of living-together, that do not ignore the irreducible fact of conflict, but instead find ways to productively deal with such conflict and disagreement? That was the key question of Judith Gruber’s theological webinar.
Watch the webinar...

Alliance and Alignments in Times of Strategic Uncertainty

Is the traditional military defense pact becoming obsolete, or will it make a comeback in times of new strategic danger and uncertainty? Thomas Wilkins and Tanguy Struye de Swielande shared their views on this topic in our series on the geostrategic security relations between Europe, the U.S. and the Asia-Pacific region.
Watch the webinar...

John Locke and liberalism

John Locke was a major philosopher in early Enlightenment. He is considered to be the father of liberalism. What was his take on the social contract? Political philosopher Alexander Rosenthal (Johns Hopkins University) puts John Locke in the context of the emerging liberalism.
Watch the webinar...

Jesuit Architecture in the Crosshairs of Confessional Politics

Art historian Evonne Levy (University of Toronto) took us on a journey through the key episodes in the politicized interpretation of European Jesuit architecture in the 19th and 20th centuries at the Jesuit heritage summer school.
Watch the webinar...
Digital expo 'Passion: Histories of the Heart'

Virtual tour 'Passion: Histories of the Heart'

In the spring, the Religious Bodies team and UCSIA organized the exhibition 'Passion: Histories of the Heart' in St Paul’s Church in Antwerp. It tells the complex stories of the heart in Catholic symbolism, devotion and mysticism in the 19th and 20th centuries. The emotional meanings of the mortal hearts of believers and the divine hearts of Jesus and Mary take centre stage in a multilayered view of religious images, objects and practices.
You can now visit the expo online...


Once again, Europe seems to be in a crisis. More than ever, it is necessary to share experiences, fears and hopes concerning Europe, trying to find out what will be the future of a project in which unity and diversity come together. In this debate moderator Peter Hanenberg invites students from all over the continent to present and discuss their views on Europe in the making. These young people might not be experts in a technical sense. However, without them and without their commitments, any future project necessarily has to fail.
Watch the webinar...

Waning Europeanness

Historian José Miguel Sardica takes us on a journey through European history. The European founding fathers built a ‘safe haven’ to oppose and avoid more wars and totalitarian regimes (1914-1945). As the memory of the darkest European period is fading, Europe seems to drift apart once again. What are the current threats and how can we cope with them?
Watch the webinar...

Environmental Mobility and Solidarity

Climate change affects the most vulnerable people the most. They are not the primary contributors, but suffer the most adverse effects. Josianne Gauthier (CIDSE), Lore Van Praag and Loubna Ou-Salah (CeMIS), Alberto Ares SJ (IUEM) and Peter Rožič SJ (JESC) explored how we can organize solidarity.
Watch the webinar...

Security Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region

The Asia-Pacific region is challenged with several security concerns, such as the rising power of China. Which security alliances are at play? And what security architecture is needed to cope with the current threats? We welcome Yoichiro Sato (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University) as keynote speaker, Bryce Wakefield (Australian Institute of International Affairs) as respondent and Elena Atanassova-Cornelis (University of Antwerp) as moderator.
Watch the webinar...

Islamic Religious Education in Europe

Against the backdrop of labour migration and the ongoing refugee crisis, the ways in which Islam is taught in educational settings has become a major topic of debate in Europe. The new publication ‘Islamic Religious Education in Europe’ tackles the challenges and benefits of effective Islamic Religious Education (IRE). We welcomed two of the authors Martin Rothgangel (Universität Wien) and Abdullah Sahin (University of Warwick) at the online book launch.
Watch the webinar...

Colonialism Shaping European Citizenship

Gurminder K. Bhambra (University of Sussex) and Tomaso Ferrando (University of Antwerp) discussed European values and the memory of colonialism in the last webinar of our series on European values.
Watch the webinar...

Citizenship Regimes in Europe and Beyond

How has the pandemic shifted the meanings of certain social behaviours, such as shaking hands and wearing face coverings? How can these insights help us shape post-pandemic citizenship? Watch the webinar with Jo Shaw (Edinburgh Law School) and Eva Brems (Human Rights Centre, Ghent University).
Watch the webinar...

Behind the Scenes of 'Passion. Histories of the Heart'

The Religious Bodies team takes you behind the scenes of the creation of the Antwerp city walk and exhibition in St Paul’s Church. They share their thoughts on the methods, sources and historiographical fields they used to tell the complex stories of the heart in Catholic symbolism, devotion and mysticism in the 19th and 20th centuries. The emotional meanings of the mortal hearts of believers and the divine hearts of Jesus and Mary take centre stage in a multilayered view of religious images, objects and practices.
Watch the webinar...

Tribalization of Europe in the World

Tribalization is a global megatrend in today’s world. The election of Donald Trump, the Brexit vote, populist movements like Catalan separatism and democratic backsliding in Central and Eastern Europe are all examples of tribalization. Political scientist Marlene Wind (University of Copenhagen) and historian Koert Debeuf (EUObserver) discussed the tribalization of Europe in the world.
Watch the webinar...

Planetary Theology and Climate Change

What is the role of ‘man’, ‘government’ and ‘the political’ in the context of climate change? Prof. Peter Scott draws from popular culture and from planetary and political theology in this webinar.
Watch the webinar...
Javier Melloni sj

Ouverture à la diversité religieuse

On Wednesday 21 April from 7.00 – 9.45 p.m. UTC+2, inTOUCH organizes, together with Chapelle pour l’Europe and UCSIA an online book launch of Ouverture à la diversité religieuse, the first French publication by the Spanish Jesuit Javier Melloni. The book calls on religious traditions to open up to diversity within their own traditions.
Lees meer...


Masculinities in Times of Crisis

In times of conflict or crisis, political actors often return to the concept of the traditional family and the classical gender roles. In this webinar Brandon Hamber, Catherine Baker, Uğur Ümit Üngör and Philipp Schulz dove into the social construction of gender and explored the alternatives with regard to citizenship.
Read and watch more...

ELP fellowship

In the Name of Separation: Judaism and Christianity on Trial

Philosopher and musicologist Danielle Cohen-Levinas of Sorbonne Université gave a webinar on the topic of 'separation'. Judaism and Christianity are Abrahamic religions that share a common text: the Hebrew Bible. However, from the second century onwards, this common foundation has undergone a separation. The text is now available in French, English and Dutch.

Microfinance as a Lever against Poverty

While the COVID-19 pandemic is especially weakening economies in developing countries, microfinance players are taking action to support their most vulnerable clients. Experts Cecile Lapenu (CERISE), Loïc De Cannière (INCOFIN) and Johan Bastiaensen (Institute of Development Policy of the University of Antwerp) discuss the impact of the global corona crisis on poverty and microfinance in developing countries.
Watch the webinar...

Security Cooperation Europe & the United States

This webinar with Stephen G. Brooks (Dartmouth), Sven Biscop (Egmont Royal Institute) and Tom Sauer (University of Antwerp) analyses of EU-U.S. relations in the light of the recent presidential elections in the United States.
Watch the webinar...

2020 in a nutshell

2020 goes down in history as the year of the pandemic. The year of social distance, lockdowns and hand sanitizer. But also the year of slowing down, standing still and looking ahead. The corona virus hit the world hard. However, UCSIA continued to contribute to broad and deep societal reflection. Our online presence grew like never before. In this video we look back on an exceptional year.
Read all about 2020...


ELP fellowship

UCSIA Fellowship European Leadership Programme

The ELP is a five month formation where the Fellows are required to do full time traineeship in EU institutions or in the EU ecosystem, like UCSIA. Besides the work experience, they receive leadership formation, take part at fireside chat with decision-makers and are offered personal coaching and mentoring time to support them in their vocation discernment. UCSIA offers a full stipend Fellowship.

Seeking Asylum in Europe: ‘European Values’ and Queer Claims

Nuno Ferreira (University of Sussex) and Alexander Dhoest (University of Antwerp) concluded the series on European values, citizenship and belonging with a webinar on gender identity and human rights.
Watch the webinar...
HDCA Conference 2021

HDCA 2021 Conference “Capabilities and Transformative Institutions”

How can we organize for the world of tomorrow? Covid-19 has taught us that we are not ready. We have re-discovered our common vulnerability – not only to a virus, but also to policy mismatch, institutional hiccups and authoritarian backlash. Divided we stood, unable to act in concert, lacking real opportunities for deliberation. How can we improve the structures of living together and face the challenges ahead to build a more just and sustainable world? The HDCA Conference 2021 puts this question center stage. It will take place on 13-15 September 2021 at the University of Antwerp.

Intersectionality, Inequality and the Challenge of European Values

Sociologist Akwugo Emejulu and historian Heleen Debeuckelaere discussed 'Intersectionality, Inequality and the Challenge of European Values' in the sixth webinar in our series on 'European Values, Citizenship & Belonging'.
Watch the webinar...

The Role of Nationalism in European Community Building

In this session of the series European Values, Citizenship and Belonging, Cynthia Miller-Idriss (American University, Washington, DC) talked about belonging, exclusion and national space. Noel Clycq (University of Antwerp) responded to her talk.
Watch the webinar...

The Purpose of Finance

What is the purpose of finance? What do we expect from a financial system? David Pitt-Watson (University of Cambridge) discussed these questions with Luc Van Liedekerke (University of Antwerp), Frank Vanaerschot (FairFin) and Tom Van den Berghe (Febelfin).
Watch the webinar...

Women, Work & Care: Towards a New Economic Balance

Professor Yana Van der Meulen Rodgers reflects on how to build a feminist economy during the Covid-19 pandemic. Following, Ilse De Vooght shares the coming about and the results of the experiment of the 30-hour working week, conducted over the past year at the women’s organization Femma.
Watch the webinar...

Towards a Financial Market that Serves Society

How do we move towards a financial market that’s serving society? Political economist Ann Pettifor and Thomas Van Craen, Managing Director at Triodos Bank, investigated this question in the first preparatory webinar towards the 'Economy of Francesco' conference. 
Watch the webinar...

The Dialogue between Jews, Christians and Muslims

Experts Felix Körner sj and Etienne Vetö discussed the current issues in the trialogue with representatives of the three different faiths. This online colloquium celebrates the 20th anniversary of Christian magazine Tertio, and was organized in cooperation with The Institute of Jewish Studies (IJS) and UCSIA.
Watch the colloquium...

The role of war recollection in European integration

In this session of the series European Values, Citizenship and Belonging, Peter Verovšek (University of Sheffield) talked about rupture and integration in the wake of total war. Historian Herman Van Goethem, rector of the University of Antwerp, responded to his talk.
Watch the webinar...

Christianity, Social Justice and Civic Duty after Assisi 2020

On 3 October 2020, Pope Francis launched his new encyclical Fratelli Tutti in Assisi. Francis Davis explores what we can learn from the document. The main question of this online lecture is: how can we concretize fresh strategies to shape social and economic change and civic duties as we tease out a global future in the age of disruption?
Watch the webinar...

The Refugee Crisis, Solidarity and Values

In this session of the series European Values, Citizenship and Belonging, Lilian Tsourdy (Maastricht University) talked about EU’s ‘Refugee Crisis’ as a Crisis of EU Values and Governance. Philippe De Bruycker, a lawyer specialised in European Immigration and Asylum Law, Free movement of European citizens and comparative aliens law, responded to her talk.
Watch the webinar...

Summer School webinar 'The Prosperity Ethic'

In this exclusive webinar with two of our Summer School tutors, socioligist Jayeel Cornelio presented his research on the prosperity ethic in the Philippines. Angie Heo responded from an anthropological angle. This year's Summer School on 'Religion, Mobility and Politics' had to be postponed due to the pandemic. With this webinar we brought together the researchers.
Watch the webinar...

New vision statement 'Religion, Culture & Society'

What does the UCSIA theme ‘Religion, Culture & Society' embrace? What topics are selected and why? What will we highlight in the coming years?
Read the new vision statement.....

European Values in Pandemic Times

The coronavirus pandemic has deepened the crisis of European values. The European Values lecture series, organized in collaboration with the Chair of European Values of the University of Antwerp, digs deeper into this with analyses by François Foret, Katlijn Malfliet and Peter Verovšek.
Watch the lectures and

Mining and Sustainable Development Goals

The lecture series Debating Development, organized by IOB and USOS, is part of the subprogramme Europe and Worldwide Solidarity. We revisit last year’s edition on the role of the private sector in the development of the Global South and focus on the session on mining and SDGs.
Watch the lecture and

Good read: Zero Point 1945

'Zero Point 1945. The Low Countries a Generation Later', recently published by Ons Erfdeel vzw, starts from the question whether we could consider 1945 as point zero for the world we live in today and how political constructions that emanated at the time, such as the welfare state and security cooperation, can be transformed to meet contemporary needs.
Read the article...

New vision statement 'Jesuit Heritage'

What does the UCSIA theme ‘Jesuit Heritage' embrace? What topics are selected and why? What will we highlight in the coming years?
Read the new vision statement.....

Fifth anniversary Laudato Si

In 2015, Pope Francis made a strong call for a solidary approach of the ecological crisis with the encyclic Laudato Si’. The website Laudato Si' Week collects all the initiatives on the occasion of its fifth anniversary, from online conferences to joint moments of prayer.
Go to Laudato Si' Week...

Vote for the Circular Economy Challenge

The Circular Economy Challenge of the VUB Chair of Social Entrepreneurship selected a number of wonderful projects with great potential to resolve sustainability issues of our planet. Check out the inspiring finalists and vote for your favorite until 10 May 2020!

Pope Francis urges to reflect on “life after the pandemic”

In the wake of Easter, Pope Francis wrote a letter to the popular movements and organizations that keep the society going today, in the struggle against COVID-19. In this letter, he urges us not to fall into former routines at the end of this crisis, but to ask ourselves how we can do things differently.
Read the blog and reply...

Self-sacrificing love in the workplace

The chairman of the SCRIBANI network, political philosopher Patrick Riordan SJ, is an expert in Catholic social doctrine. In this article he starts from the commitment of the health workers in the current crisis to highlight the principle of priority of labour over capital, a central theme in the doctrine. It was published on April 20th in the online journal of the Brittish Jesuits ‘Thinking Faith’.
Read the article...

Don’t give up hope! Insights-from 'Laudato Sí' in times of crisis

Martin Maier SJ, Secretary of European Affairs of the Jesuit European Social Centre, analyses the health crisis today in the light of Pope Francis' encyclic 'Laudato Sí'. How can the recommendations in the encyclic inspire us to rethink the current model of globalization?
Read the article...

Call for papers - The Broken Umbrella

for the academic workshop
on shifting security architectures in Europe and the Asia-Pacific
on 9-11 December 2020
at the University of Antwerp
submission deadline:
1 June 2020

Webinar Fr. General on the mission of the Society of Jesus post COVID

On 30 April Fr. General Arturo Sosa sj gave a webinar on caring for the mission of the Society of Jesus post COVID following his letter of 25 March.
Watch the video
or read the text...

UCSIA supports Jesuit Formation for European Leadership

What the European Union needs today, are leaders of change. Now is the time for the next generation of leaders to step up, the same way Adenauer, Schuman, Spaak or Gasperi did in the aftermath of a shattering war, designing a structure for the coming generations. The European Leadership Programme hopes to contribute to this goal.

New vision statement 'Europe and Solidarity'

What does the UCSIA theme ‘Europe and Solidarity’ embrace? What topics are selected and why? What will we highlight in the coming years?
Read the new vision statement.....

Revisiting the workshop on epidemiology and world health

In historic times of COVID-19, a scientific analysis of the way to combat epidemics and ensure basic health, leads us to revisit the conclusions of a workshop we organized three years ago. The content is remarkably topical for the times we are living in today.
Read and listen...

Pope Francis urges to reflect on “life after the pandemic”

In the wake of Easter, Pope Francis wrote a letter to the popular movements and organizations that keep the society going today, in the struggle against COVID-19. In this letter, he urges us not to fall into former routines at the end of this crisis, but to ask ourselves how we can do things differently.
Read the blog and reply...

Fr. General Arturo Sosa sj on the Covid-19 Pandemic

On 24 March Fr. General Arturo Sosa sj published a video message on what the COVID-19 epidemic showing us about ourselves, the world and the path to God.
Watch the video...

Call for Applications: extended deadline

for the UCSIA Summer School
on 'Religion, Mobility & Politics'
on 23-30 August 2020
at the University of Antwerp
new submission deadline:
15 April 2020

Corona virus

Due to the outbreak of the corona virus, we decided to cancel all UCSIA events in March. Our coworkers will be working from home as much as possibe, so our opening hours will be limited.

Call for papers - Leadership Education for Social Transformation

for the Scribani conference
on social inclusion of vulnerable groups in Europe
on 16-19 September 2020
at the Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow, Poland
submission deadline:
15 April 2020

Call for papers - The Broken Umbrella

for the academic workshop
on shifting security architectures in Europe and the Asia-Pacific
on 9-11 December 2020
at the University of Antwerp
submission deadline:
1 June 2020

Vote for the Circular Economy Challenge

The Circular Economy Challenge of the VUB Chair of Social Entrepreneurship selected a number of wonderful projects with great potential to resolve sustainability issues of our planet. Check out the inspiring finalists and vote for your favorite until 10 May 2020!
Read more…

Visit Resam

On 29 January 2020 we received Resam in Antwerp. This Danish organization consists of prominent religious leaders of the 3 monotheistic religions. Their goal: interreligious dialogue. Our guide, rabbi Aaron Malinsky, showed our guests around in the Jewish district and the synagogue.


Call for Applications

for the UCSIA Summer School
on 'Religion, Mobility & Politics'
on 23-30 August 2020
at the University of Antwerp
submission deadline:
15 March 2020

Call for Papers

for an international workshop
on 18-20 March 2020
at the University of Antwerp
submission deadline:
25 November 2019
Read more…

Best wishes

The team and board of directors of UCSIA wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Our office will be closed during the holidays from 21 December 2019 until 5 January 2020.

Closed until July 31st 2019

We are on a summer break. Our office is closed from July 12th until July 31st.

ARIA Art Festival

Louise Nelstrop and Pol Herrmann were inspired by the female mystics Hadewijch and Porete. They made a short film, partly because of financial support by UCSIA, about contemporary artists (Wim Henderickx, Anne-Mie van Kerckhoven, Aline Kiner, An Pierlé, Hendrik Vanden Abeele) interpreting and mediating the mystics.

They were counter-institutional figures writing about love; that makes them very appealing to artists. The film is a portrait of 5 famous artists who tell us about the mystics and their relevance today. The artists relate to them in a whole new way.

The film will be projected at the yearly ARIA art festival ‘Integrated’ from 7-8 November 2019 in De Singel (Antwerp). This year’s theme is ‘Radical Imagination’. For more information and tickets, click here.

Supernatural religion in the age of empire

Call for papers for a workshop on the interaction between supernatural beliefs and experiences of colonialism and imperialism on October 18th 2019 at the University of Antwerp.
Read more…

From our partners

Are Belgium’s institutions fit for the job of tackling poverty? Re-Bel inititative investigates this question on June 20th at the University Foundation (Brussels). Read more…

Report, presentations and photos online!

On 16 and 17 May 2019, UCSIA organized two debates on European Humanism in the Making. The report, presentations and photos are now online!

From our partners

A conversation with Luuk van Middelaar about European Values after the elections on the 5th of June, 6 p.m. in BOZAR (Brussels). Read more…

Call for workshops

Do you want to host a workshop session at the second European conference on service-learning in higher education?

Hand in your proposal before
17 June 2019!

Converso Paulinism

Watch Claude Stuczynski's talk on Converso Paulinism in the framework of the UCSIA-IJS Chair online!

Call for Application

UCSIA Summer School
on Relgion and Mobility
25 August – 1 September 2019
Antwerp, Belgium
deadline: 31 March 2019

Freedom, Autonomy and Responsibility

Leading international scholars highlight the contemporary issues in the relationship between religion and the law in the context of Catholic education at the conference on 22-24 May 2019 at ACU, Sydney (Australia).


11 + 12 =


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B-2000 Antwerpen
Tel. +32 (0)3 265 49 60