2020 in a nutshell

2020 goes down in history as the year of the pandemic. The year of social distance, lockdowns and hand sanitizer. But also the year of slowing down, standing still and looking ahead. The corona virus hit the world hard. However, UCSIA continued to contribute to broad and deep societal reflection. Our online presence grew like never before. In this video we look back on an exceptional year.

Corona was the immediate cause for several new projects:

  • U-turn: webinar series on the impact of corona on our lives and on the future
  • Societal Perspectives on COVID: a curriculum on civic education for high school students in Belgium and the Netherlands
  • Food banks in need: local coordination of new volunteers

Have a look at all projects, news items and publications of 2020.

Animation by Tartaar Agency.


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B-2000 Antwerpen
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