The University Centre Saint-Ignatius Antwerp (UCSIA) is an offspring of the former Jesuit institution of UFSIA. It is an independent non-profit organisation founded by the Jesuit Order and members of the former UFSIA with the aim of continuing the Jesuit university project, that is focussed on problems and issues that express the Christian ideology.
The centre wants to contribute to a more just and better society through education, community service and academic research. We are striving to become the centre of reference for the rich intellectual, spiritual and pedagogical heritage of the jesuits in Antwerp.
The aim of the University Centre Saint-Ignatius Antwerp is to contribute to more social justice and a better society by education, service to society and academic research. Our ambition is to become the centre of reference that fosters and continues the rich intellectual, spiritual and pedagogical heritage of the Jesuits in Antwerp.
“The main objective of UCSIA, inspired by a Christian belief and in a spirit of openness and tolerance, sustained by the members of the Society of Jesus and of the Antwerp University, is to provide for an international and interdisciplinary platform that supports and stimulates academic research, higher education and community service regarding themes that express the Christian ideology, thus serving the faith and contributing to a more just society.”
UCSIA aims at academic excellence and social relevance by making its voice heard through powerful communication based on thorough and multifaceted scholarly work; the University of Antwerp and the Antwerp higher schools of education, the Jesuits, the Church and civil society are its foundations.
Since its inception in 2003, the organization engaged more than two thousand national and international scholars in mutual debate and interchange with many professionals in responsible positions. UCSIA builds on that immaterial capital and research network: it will broaden its action by adding more service to society and support to higher education, with the expansion of service learning in higher education as a spearhead.
UCSIA develops five different thematic lines to reflect on relevant issues with students, scholars, social actors and a wider public:
- religion, culture and society;
- solidarity in Antwerp, Europe and the world;
- ethics & economy;
- society, health and wellbeing;
- community service-learning and innovations in education.
Religion & Society
Can religions, specifically christian traditions, work in an emancipatory way?
Europe & Solidarity
Which forms of solidarity strengthen the "bond of partnership" in society and in the world?
Economics & Ethics
How can the business community contribute to a more inclusive and just society?
Healthcare & Wellbeing
How can we improve mental health care for vulnerable people and their families?
Chairs & Scholarships
for foreign scholars of international renown specialising in topics that deepen the ideological or philosophical discourse and increase societal commitment of science.
encourages the study of Judaism's and Hebraism's history from the perspective of Jewish-Christian dialogue in order to interpret its place in the contemporary European culture.
Jef Van Gerwen sj Chair
established in commemoration of Jef Van Gerwen, a Jesuit from Antwerp who pioneered the field of business ethics in Flanders and who co-founded UCSIA.
P.W. Segers Chair
on social policy in commemoration of Paul-Willem Segers, Belgian politician and leading figure in the christian labour movement.
Peace Education Chair
examines an aspect of peace in its manifold manifestations and subjects it to a scholarly multidisciplinary investigation.
UCSIA Visiting Scholars
conduct postdoctoral research on ethics, religion or spirituality in connection with interreligious and intercultural dialogue, science and culture, medicine and society.
Activity Reports
2020 in a nutshell
2020 goes down in history as the year of the pandemic. The year of social distance, lockdowns and hand sanitizer. But also the year of slowing down, standing still and looking ahead. The corona virus hit the world hard. However, UCSIA continued to contribute to broad and deep societal reflection. Our online presence grew like never before. In this video we look back on an exceptional year.Read all about 2020...
Activity Report 2016
Activity Report 2015
Activity Report 2013-2014
Activity Report 2010-2011
Activity Report 2009
Activity Report 2008
Activity Report 2006-2007
Activity Report 2003-2005