Milestones and Stumbling Stones in the Current Dialogue
between Jews, Christians and Muslims

online event on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Tertio

28 October 2020

In celebration of its 20th anniversary, Christian magazine Tertio, in cooperation with The Institute of Jewish Studies (IJS) and UCSIA, puts the trialogue in the spotlight. What are the most recent steps taken in the dialogue between Christians/Catholics and Jews or Muslims? What are the breakthroughs of the latest documents in the dialogue? What are the remaining questions and topics in the dialogue which should be handled now in order to proceed in the dialogue? How can the different religious communities act together against Antisemitism and Islamophobia? During this colloquium, experts Felix Körner sj and Etienne Vetö will discuss these questions with representatives of the three different faiths.

The main language of the colloquium is English. The Dutch translation of the lectures will be made available through this web page.

Etienne Vetö (1964) was born in Milwaukee in the United States, but his roots are in Hungary and France. He has a dual citizenship: American and French. In 1987 he joined the new religious movement Chemin Neuf. Vetö studied philosophy in Paris and then taught philosophy in Congo and at the Centre Sèvres in Paris. He studied theology in Rome and Berlin, and also obtained a doctorate in Paris in 2009. He was ordained a priest in 1997. From 2001 to 2014, he was responsible for the formation and was lecturer in philosophy for seminarians at Chemin Neuf. Since 2014 he has been affiliated with the Gregoriana in Rome where his teaching, publications and research focus on Trinity, theological anthropology, ecumenism and Judeo-Christian relations. He is also director of the Cardinal Bea Centre for Judaic Studies.

Felix Körner sj (1963) was born in Offenbach am Main, which has the highest percentage of inhabitants with a migration background in Germany and is considered as a model of integration. In 1985 he joined the Jesuits, studied philosophy in Munich and theology in London, Freiburg and Bamberg where he also specialized in Islam. He was ordained a priest in 1995. After his doctoral dissertations in Islamic Studies and Dogmatic Theology, since 2009 teaching assignments followed in Ankara, Freiburg, Frankfurt, Jerusalem, Berlin and Rome, although he is mainly associated with the Gregoriana.



Christian newsmagazine

Institute of Jewish Studies

interdisciplinary research centre for the scientific study of Judaism


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