The synodal process has once again emphasized the diversity within the Flemish church. It is clear that those belonging to the church cannot be categorized as a homogeneous group: different generations, lifestyles, ways of belonging, and visions are gathered under the proverbial church tower. These tendencies are too often ignored or met with frustration. However, isn’t this diversity also a richness, an invitation, an outstanding learning opportunity? A church that listens is also able to hear the dissonances in the symphony.
During the study day ‘A church that listens’, we will explore how to deal with the differences in the church in a meaningful way. This programme builds on the symposia Parish and Office: Between Renovation and Innovation (2020) and Church-building in secular times (2022), and welcomes all people taking on responsibility in the church, from parish level up to diocese level, both professionals and volunteers.
For the theoretical part of the day, we will draw inspiration from the synodal process. Theologian Jos Moons (ACPT, KU Leuven) will share his insights on the synodal way of handling diversity. Prioress Rebekka Willekes (Priory Klaarland) will talk about the wisdom of the Rule of Saint Benedict concerning diversity and solidarity. In the afternoon, a series of workshops will be offered that will facilitate conversation and reflection on diversity. Workshop topics include: intergenerational friction, differences of opinion related to liturgy and catechesis, promoting dialogue in conflict situations, the method of spiritual discernment and the synodal process.
Date & Time
27 February 2024
9.30 a.m. – 4.00 p.m. UTC+1
University of Antwerp – Hof van Liere
Prinsstraat 13, 2000 Antwerp
Registration fee: 60 euro
Free for students
Please register online before 12 February 2024.