Vrouwen, werk en zorg. Naar een nieuwe economische balans

webinar in het Engels op 9 november 2020

COVID-19 is, naast een gezondheidscrisis, ook een socio-economische crisis. De impact ervan verschilt per gender: de gevolgen van de crisis zijn niet gelijk verdeeld. Een volwaardige analyse van en een afdoend antwoord op de crisis moeten ervoor zorgen dat we deze verschillen niet vergeten. Er is een inclusief economisch paradigma nodig, dat zorg adequaat valoriseert en waardeert. Een paradigma dat zichtbaar maakt wat het marktgedreven model onzichtbaar of onbelangrijk acht. Daarom vormt deze genderongelijkheid een fundamentele uitdaging voor het huidige hegemonische marktgedreven paradigma.

Dit webinar met Yana Rodgers (Rutgers University) en Ilse De Vooght (Femma) vindt plaats in het Engels. Meer informatie vindt u hier

Dit was één van de twee voorbereidende webinars voor de conferentie ‘The Economy of Francesco’.  UCSIA, de Trends Leerstoel Economie van de Hoop en Gemeenschapseconomie België hopen zo de dialoog te voeden tussen creatieve jongeren, onderzoekers en ondernemers die geïnspireerd en vastberaden zijn om het algemeen belang te dienen.

Lees meer…

over het onderzoek van professor Yana Rodgers
Lees meer over het experiment van de 30-uren werkweek bij Femma:

Organisatoren en partners

Trends Economy of Hope Chair

Chair at the University of Antwerp that promotes a social, ecological and meaningful economy.

Economy of Communion Belgium


On the 1st of May 2019, Pope Francis called upon young economists, students and entrepreneurs worldwide to re-animate the economy and by doing so, starting a process of global change. In his speech, Pope Francis emphasized again that “everything is deeply connected and that the safeguarding of the environment cannot be divorced from ensuring justice for the poor and finding answers to the structural problems of the global economy”. He has noticed that “few have heard the appeal to acknowledge the gravity of the problems and, even more, to set in place a new economic model, the fruit of a culture of communion based on fraternity and equality”. Therefore, he reiterated his plea of the World Youth day in Panama, “not leave it to others to be protagonists of change”. He invited young people from all over the world to take part in a three-day conference, called The Economy of Francesco, where they could discuss and create new ways of understanding the economy and progress, for combating the culture of waste, for giving voice to those who have none and for proposing new styles of life:  

“That is why I would like to meet you in Assisi: so that we can promote together, through a common covenant, a process of global change. One in which not only believers but all men and women of good will, beyond differences of creed and nationality, can participate, inspired by an ideal of fraternity attentive above all to the poor and excluded.” (Pope Francis) 

Due to the outbreak of Covid-19, the conference was first postponed and now redesigned as an online conference on 19, 20 and 21 November 2020. In these past few months, The Economy of Francesco has developed into more than just an event. It has become a movement of young talented people, entrepreneurs, changemakers and economists from all over the world, who are eager to learn, exchange views, and collaborate for a just and inclusive global economy. It is a creative community, which is defining the Economy of Francesco by debating new models for the economy, weaving between the “already” and “not yet”. 

 In the weeks leading up to the event, UCSIA, the Trends Chair Economy of Hope and the Economy of Communion Belgium are organizing two Towards…-webinars. These are preparatory lectures to foster the dialogue between creative youngsters, researchers and entrepreneurs who are inspired and determined to serve the common good. 

 The Economy of Francesco puts forward twelve themes or Villages, which encompass the participants’ questions of the future economy. With our Towards…-webinars, we have chosen to put Work & CareProfit & Vocation and Women for Economy in the spotlight. Featuring eminent international scholars and specific cases, we hope to contribute to the dialogue of The Economy of Francesco 


Further reading:  





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